Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How To Inspire People To Join Your MLM Network

It is quite an achievement if you are able to convince a person
you have just met to take up a business opportunity with you.
Since MLM programs are promoted only through such
convincing, there are several times when there have been
stiff rejections at the initial meetings themselves.

The hallmark of a good multilevel marketer is that they are
able to convince people to get recruited into their networks
within the first few meetings itself. Even you can do so.
Here are some points you must remember to convince people
to join your network within the first meeting itself:

Be Confident

The first prerequisite is that you have to be very confident
about the opportunity you are promoting. Your upline leaders
will tell you of various tips and tricks that you can use in
order to put across your plan as though it is the best thing
since sliced bread.

You have to have that kind of exuberance when you talk
to your prospect. It must be infectious. Work that skill
before you meet your prospect for the first time.

Be Fully Aware of the Plan

In most likelihood, anyone to whom you explain the plan
will ask you several questions about it. They will even try
to cross-examine you. You have to be ready with all your
answers. Being caught without the proper answer to a
question pertaining to the opportunity you are promoting
is worse than being caught with your pants down in public!

Take time to read the dossiers and brochures you get with
your initiation kit and speak to your upline members to
understand each and every aspect about the plan.

Show Them the Benefits First

Most marketers make the suicidal mistake of going on
and on about the plan without highlighting the profits first.
You must know that most people are not interested in the
well-rehearsed jargon that you spout.

They want to know more about what they will get paid
from it. It is a good idea to explain to the prospects the
compensation plan early on so that people can see if the
plan is any good for them. That way you will also be saving
your time. Remember to give illustrations. Speak in terms
of real dollars and tell them how soon they can expect
to earn something through the venture. This really helps.

Be Personal within Limits

It is a good idea to strike a personal rapport with your
prospects. Friendship is a better way to carry prospecting
ahead. You could try to get interested in the activities that
the prospect involves him- or herself in. This can be good
for rapport-sharing. When the prospect becomes more
comfortable and relaxed with you, you are in for some
recruitment into your network!

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
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Find our more about network marketing:


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