Showing posts with label downlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downlines. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2009

Handling The Pyramid Objection

Many people get stumbled when they are asked this
horrible question, “Is this a pyramid scheme” or
“Is this one of those pyramid selling structures?”

When someone asks you this question, you must
not fumble or stutter… in fact, you must be very
happy that they ask this question because it shows
genuine interest on the part of the prospect because
better to have a passionate, negative prospect than
a lukewarm person. A passionate, negative person
can be turned into a passionate positive person
who will go all out for your team, but only if you
handle the pyramid objection intelligently.

Firstly, a pyramid scheme is often confused with
network marketing or multi level marketing. People
feel that the guy who starts FIRST is often the one
who gets all the money while the downlines do all
the work. Others would associate the MLM company
as being illegal.

You see, MLM generally pays over a multi-tier
compensation structure and you can earn money up
to many levels deep. However, it doesn’t mean that
the person on ‘top’ will generally earn more money
than the downline.

Let’s take Amway for example. If you want to
‘Go Diamond’ you will need to build up 6 teams.

But if you want to go Double Diamond, you need
to personally build up 9-12 teams (as an example).
So if you build 6 teams only but your DOWNLINE,
builds 9-12 teams, does it makes sense that your
downline should earn more money than you?

Sure your downline is part of your team and he is
helping to expand your group, but since he put in
more hard work in personally building a team,
it makes sense that the downline Double Diamond
earns DOUBLE of what you should make even though
you are on top!

Next, if you consider that network marketing is a
business about helping people, you can’t try and sponsor
as ‘wide’ as possible (e.g. personally sponsoring 20 yourself)
but you don’t help any of them succeed. You are no longer
building a network but you are creating a recruiting job
for yourself! And if they don’t succeed, you can bet your
next commissions check that you will be sponsoring
people over and over again for the next few years.

Most compensation plans pay you well only when your
downlines succeed so unless you are prepared to
HELP your people.

So in order to handle the objection, consider that
– network marketing is a LEGAL network building
business that MOVES PRODUCTS through many levels
and the one who works the hardest will get paid the
most (contrary to a corporate pyramid where the CEO
might not necessarily work the hardest compared
to the clerk, but the CEO gets paid the most nevertheless).

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sponsoring Up - Why You Must Always Look For People Better Than You

In network marketing, one of the biggest challenges
is your posture. When I talk about posture, I don’t
mean the way you sit but rather your overall
confidence, charisma and composure when it comes
to pitching your network marketing business to your
prospects and training your downlines.

When someone is new to network marketing, they
tend to approach those who are very close to them
personally or people who are of a lower social status
compared to them. They tend to seek out those
who are:

- Younger than them in terms of age and experience.
- People who are earning less money than them.
- People who are less confident than they are.
- People who seem to be going through a lot of struggles
in life outwardly.
- People who are generally not doing as well as they are.

Now, there is nothing wrong in sponsoring ‘down’ per se,
but think for a moment… if you build a team that is worse
off than you, what do you think your organization will
be like What about your people, would they be doing the
same thing.

How much lower can you go before the sponsoring chain
hits rock bottom?

Of course, I’m not implying that a person of a humble and
lowly stature cannot achieve success in network marketing
but I’m referring to the duplication process.

If you want to achieve tremendous results in your downline
building efforts, you have to be able to sponsor ‘up’ which
means approaching people that are generally doing better
than you. You must look for people who are older than you,
have more experience than you, people that you respect, etc…

“But they probably won’t listen to what I have to say…”

Yes, you might think like this… but here are a few tips
when it comes to sponsoring up and why you must do
it no matter what.

Sponsoring up builds your confidence.

Better to have 1 quality downline than 10 people who
will do nothing.

You will surpass mental barriers you have never thought
possible because you are able to get a breakthrough.

Sponsoring up will give you a chance to tap into networks
that are far beyond your reach. If you have a CEO in
your organization, he will open doors in ways that you
cannot imagine.

Don’t worry if they won’t listen to you. You must always
refer the prospect to a stronger upline in your organization.
Let the stronger upline ‘close’ him and train him initially
and as he or she gets more into the business, they will
in turn respect your leadership as well.

Remember, always aim for the moon… even if you fail,
at least you will clear the fence.

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:
