Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Set Unrealistic Goals In Your Home Business

At the beginning of the New Year, people get so fired
up about setting goals for their lives.

Everyone is capable of setting goals and flowery
resolutions but most of the time; they will throw in
the towel after a few weeks… maybe even after a
few days for the 1st of January!

The gym will always be packed around New Year’s Day
with people resolving to get it shape but it is always
empty by the end of the month. People tend to fail
in their goal setting and resolutions are because they
do not set realistic goals at all!

Flaky, ambiguous goals like get rich, buy a new car,
make more money, donate more money and spend
more time in weekly worship are all examples of goals
that do not have any deadlines or any urgency factors.
This is one of the first fallacies of unrealistic goal setting.

Here’s how you can set a realistic goal – by imposing
a deadline and setting them as realistic as possible.

Which do you think is easier, eating your lunch on time
or going out there to save the world Obviously it is easier
to achieve easy goals compared to unrealistic goals right
When you are able to break down your goals into easier,
more manageable chunks, you will be able to ‘swallow’
them easily without choking on them.

Next, when you are able to meet your goals without
putting in too much effort, you can set a deadline that
is easy enough to meet. A goal such as getting up at
7.30 am and going to work TOMORROW is easier to
achieve than just setting a goal that merely says – wake
up earlier and go to work. Your mind will kick in and
switch on when you set your goals with specifics!

Now for network marketing goals, you can accomplish
them if you make realistic goals like meet 3-5 prospects
a day. Make 20 phone calls a day, 10 by the day and
10 by night. Don’t write down unrealistic goals such
as getting a team of 500 people by the end of the year.
It is just plain unrealistic because you do not have a
road map or a blue print how you are going to achieve it.

Once again, contemplate whether it is easier to accomplish
10 phone calls by today or to get 100 downlines by the end
of the year. Therefore, by breaking down your goals in
network marketing, you will increase your chances
for success.

Develop your MLM network business
with this
weekly Marketing Plan:

One Week Marketing Plan

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:

Find our more about network marketing:


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prioritization - One Of The Most Essential Elements Of MLM Business Success

Simply put, prioritization is just a glorified term for
organizing a task list. When you prioritize things, you
are setting an order to them. You are making an order
of precedence in which you decide that a particular task
needs to be done before another one.

Naturally, your order of prioritization will contain the
most important tasks first, and will be set in a decreasing
order of importance of the tasks.

Setting priorities is important in almost anything in life.
It gets a very important dimension in MLM. Right from
deciding to enter into the venture to succeeding in it, you
need to set priorities about the sequence of things that
will carry you forward.

Initially, when you were contemplating upon entering
the MLM world, you might have given a lot of thought
whether you should enter into this kind of business or
not. Even after entering, a lot of people still have their
aspersions and it is quite likely that you might have
them too. You might even be thinking of backing out,
especially since MLM networks require a lot of

But this is where you need to prioritize. First of all,
you must know that all MLM businesses are not
flash-in-the-pan successes. They do not happen
overnight. A lot of effort needs to be put into networking,
which is the most crucial element of the whole game.

Networks take time to build and this is the period
when people start feeling low. However, at this juncture,
you must stop and prioritize. On one hand, if you put in
the requisite efforts in expanding your network, you
stand to earn a stupendous sum of money, probably
a sum that nothing else will ever get for you.

To top this, the sum of money would be flowing in
consistently. On the other hand, you can simply give
it all up and return to your routine life which is probably
not moving forward anyway. Which is better? This is
something that you need to decide and prioritize.

When you start with an MLM venture, you will need
to prioritize at every point. At the top of the heap must
be network campaigning. Direct sales should not be
important to you at any stage in your MLM career.

Though they will bring in the income initially, what will
sustain your income is your network. That is the reason
why your priority must be to get as many people as you
can into the network. This priority should follow another
– that of constantly convincing and encouraging your
network to stay inspired and to bring more people
into the network.

Every MLM business works with its own mechanisms.
You have to fathom the venture you are in and make
priorities. Once you have made them, you need to chase
those priorities so that you reach the level of success
you aspired for at the start.

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:

Find our more about network marketing:


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How To Inspire People To Join Your MLM Network

It is quite an achievement if you are able to convince a person
you have just met to take up a business opportunity with you.
Since MLM programs are promoted only through such
convincing, there are several times when there have been
stiff rejections at the initial meetings themselves.

The hallmark of a good multilevel marketer is that they are
able to convince people to get recruited into their networks
within the first few meetings itself. Even you can do so.
Here are some points you must remember to convince people
to join your network within the first meeting itself:

Be Confident

The first prerequisite is that you have to be very confident
about the opportunity you are promoting. Your upline leaders
will tell you of various tips and tricks that you can use in
order to put across your plan as though it is the best thing
since sliced bread.

You have to have that kind of exuberance when you talk
to your prospect. It must be infectious. Work that skill
before you meet your prospect for the first time.

Be Fully Aware of the Plan

In most likelihood, anyone to whom you explain the plan
will ask you several questions about it. They will even try
to cross-examine you. You have to be ready with all your
answers. Being caught without the proper answer to a
question pertaining to the opportunity you are promoting
is worse than being caught with your pants down in public!

Take time to read the dossiers and brochures you get with
your initiation kit and speak to your upline members to
understand each and every aspect about the plan.

Show Them the Benefits First

Most marketers make the suicidal mistake of going on
and on about the plan without highlighting the profits first.
You must know that most people are not interested in the
well-rehearsed jargon that you spout.

They want to know more about what they will get paid
from it. It is a good idea to explain to the prospects the
compensation plan early on so that people can see if the
plan is any good for them. That way you will also be saving
your time. Remember to give illustrations. Speak in terms
of real dollars and tell them how soon they can expect
to earn something through the venture. This really helps.

Be Personal within Limits

It is a good idea to strike a personal rapport with your
prospects. Friendship is a better way to carry prospecting
ahead. You could try to get interested in the activities that
the prospect involves him- or herself in. This can be good
for rapport-sharing. When the prospect becomes more
comfortable and relaxed with you, you are in for some
recruitment into your network!

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:

Find our more about network marketing:


Confidence in Network Marketing

Are you a confident person? If you are not confident,
it is very hard for you to succeed in network marketing
because this business is all about leadership and motivation.
How can you lead and motivate your downlines if your
confidence is shaky and your posture is weak.

Sometimes, it is very sad to find many network marketers
struggling to sponsor their very first downline. This is
normal, but you must not dwell in this stage for too long
because it is detrimental to your confidence. You see,
fear causes inaction, and inaction causes a lack of results
and the longer your lack of results show itself, the more
fear it creates because people in network marketing are
getting ahead of you and you are still in the first stage!

Therefore, the first step towards becoming more
confident is to TAKE ACTION. By taking action you
will automatically gain confidence. They say that a
skydiver’s greatest fear is not the jump itself but rather
the wait before the jump. As they stare at the raging sky,
their fear intensifies until the moment they step off the
plane! Network marketing is just like that. You have to
make that first phone call or show your first plan
(or run your first opportunity talk). Whatever it is,
just get the job done.

The next part about building your confidence is
NOT to spend too much time reading network marketing
books. A lot of your success depends on your knowledge
in network marketing… yes it is undoubtedly very
important. But too much analysis will lead to paralysis.
Having too much knowledge without applying it is a
surefire way to network marketing failure. The ‘graves’
of many unsuccessful distributors are filled with people
with all the knowledge about network marketing… except
how to take action and make money with that knowledge.

Another way to build your confidence is to focus on
building your network personally.

Sometimes, a distributor can spend so much time with
their ONE golden downline, that they become too
dependent on that one line. Very soon, you will see your
downline moving up even to the point of surpassing you.
When your downline starts making more money than you,
your own upline might wind up spending more time with
him or her and that would greatly shake your confidence!
So don’t rest, always go out there and sponsor more people
personally rather than by yourself.

Lastly, if you have little confidence when it comes to
sponsoring, you can consider generating leads on the
Internet. You face less rejections that way and you can
still pitch your offer without the fear of people saying no
directly in your face.

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:

Find our more about network marketing:


Monday, March 23, 2009

Handling The Pyramid Objection

Many people get stumbled when they are asked this
horrible question, “Is this a pyramid scheme” or
“Is this one of those pyramid selling structures?”

When someone asks you this question, you must
not fumble or stutter… in fact, you must be very
happy that they ask this question because it shows
genuine interest on the part of the prospect because
better to have a passionate, negative prospect than
a lukewarm person. A passionate, negative person
can be turned into a passionate positive person
who will go all out for your team, but only if you
handle the pyramid objection intelligently.

Firstly, a pyramid scheme is often confused with
network marketing or multi level marketing. People
feel that the guy who starts FIRST is often the one
who gets all the money while the downlines do all
the work. Others would associate the MLM company
as being illegal.

You see, MLM generally pays over a multi-tier
compensation structure and you can earn money up
to many levels deep. However, it doesn’t mean that
the person on ‘top’ will generally earn more money
than the downline.

Let’s take Amway for example. If you want to
‘Go Diamond’ you will need to build up 6 teams.

But if you want to go Double Diamond, you need
to personally build up 9-12 teams (as an example).
So if you build 6 teams only but your DOWNLINE,
builds 9-12 teams, does it makes sense that your
downline should earn more money than you?

Sure your downline is part of your team and he is
helping to expand your group, but since he put in
more hard work in personally building a team,
it makes sense that the downline Double Diamond
earns DOUBLE of what you should make even though
you are on top!

Next, if you consider that network marketing is a
business about helping people, you can’t try and sponsor
as ‘wide’ as possible (e.g. personally sponsoring 20 yourself)
but you don’t help any of them succeed. You are no longer
building a network but you are creating a recruiting job
for yourself! And if they don’t succeed, you can bet your
next commissions check that you will be sponsoring
people over and over again for the next few years.

Most compensation plans pay you well only when your
downlines succeed so unless you are prepared to
HELP your people.

So in order to handle the objection, consider that
– network marketing is a LEGAL network building
business that MOVES PRODUCTS through many levels
and the one who works the hardest will get paid the
most (contrary to a corporate pyramid where the CEO
might not necessarily work the hardest compared
to the clerk, but the CEO gets paid the most nevertheless).

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sponsoring Up - Why You Must Always Look For People Better Than You

In network marketing, one of the biggest challenges
is your posture. When I talk about posture, I don’t
mean the way you sit but rather your overall
confidence, charisma and composure when it comes
to pitching your network marketing business to your
prospects and training your downlines.

When someone is new to network marketing, they
tend to approach those who are very close to them
personally or people who are of a lower social status
compared to them. They tend to seek out those
who are:

- Younger than them in terms of age and experience.
- People who are earning less money than them.
- People who are less confident than they are.
- People who seem to be going through a lot of struggles
in life outwardly.
- People who are generally not doing as well as they are.

Now, there is nothing wrong in sponsoring ‘down’ per se,
but think for a moment… if you build a team that is worse
off than you, what do you think your organization will
be like What about your people, would they be doing the
same thing.

How much lower can you go before the sponsoring chain
hits rock bottom?

Of course, I’m not implying that a person of a humble and
lowly stature cannot achieve success in network marketing
but I’m referring to the duplication process.

If you want to achieve tremendous results in your downline
building efforts, you have to be able to sponsor ‘up’ which
means approaching people that are generally doing better
than you. You must look for people who are older than you,
have more experience than you, people that you respect, etc…

“But they probably won’t listen to what I have to say…”

Yes, you might think like this… but here are a few tips
when it comes to sponsoring up and why you must do
it no matter what.

Sponsoring up builds your confidence.

Better to have 1 quality downline than 10 people who
will do nothing.

You will surpass mental barriers you have never thought
possible because you are able to get a breakthrough.

Sponsoring up will give you a chance to tap into networks
that are far beyond your reach. If you have a CEO in
your organization, he will open doors in ways that you
cannot imagine.

Don’t worry if they won’t listen to you. You must always
refer the prospect to a stronger upline in your organization.
Let the stronger upline ‘close’ him and train him initially
and as he or she gets more into the business, they will
in turn respect your leadership as well.

Remember, always aim for the moon… even if you fail,
at least you will clear the fence.

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Facebooking Your Way To Online Riches

The Internet is something that people take for granted
sometimes. Little do we know that the very tools that
we use (often on a daily basis), are the very ones that
many marketing experts are using to generate a huge
4 to 5 figure income every single month.

Tools like Google, Twitter and especially Facebook.

But what makes Facebook so compelling is the fact that you
can discover connections that you have never thought possible.
By clicking on your friends' profile, you will discover who
knows who or who is connected to whom, or even who has
worked together with whom.

I guess, one the single most powerful form of succeeding in
online marketing is to discover who your key people are
connected to.

Take a marketing guru for example. He might not know
who you are and most people do not care about strangers…
but if you are able to build relationships via the very people
he knows, such as making friends with his 'inner circle'
members or clients / customers, you will be able to 'gain access'
to that inner circle and build a relationship with the guru as well.

The news feed and status updates are also powerful tools that
are indispensable for every online marketer.

Like email marketing, direct response is solicited through
your updates to all your friends and contacts on Facebook
(this function works similar to twitter's updates) and although
the click through rate might not match up to a person's
personal mailing list, nevertheless, it is powerful enough to
generate buzz and a certain degree of traffic for your affiliate
products or launches.

One more really important function about Facebook is the
ability for a marketer to create communities about certain
topic. Facebook groups are powerful enough, that even
religious groups are using the Internet to spread their gospel.

By producing content and sharing it in a tight community,
you will be able to create a strong and loyal fan base.

Here's what a sharp marketer would do in order to make
money through facebook:

- They must brand themselves as an Internet marketing
expert. You can't be shy about your accomplishments
because readers are bombarded with information all
the time so your name MUST stand out.

- Regularly post valuable information on your Facebook
groups. Just like blogging, it must be consistent and build
your readers up.

- Try and make new friends and add as many as possible
in your line of work. A good way of getting others to add
you is to start with their contacts. They will most likely
add you if you are connected with all their friends.

FREE resources on Facebook marketing:

Learn how to use Twitter for network marketing:

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 Foolproof Free Traffic Generation Methods

If you are aspiring to promote your business
opportunity through a website, there is no need
to emphasize how important traffic generation
will be for you. Generating traffic basically
means to get people to visit your website. But
as a business person, you should know that mere
drifters won't work. You need people who will
spend some time on your website and will probably
do some business also. Hence, you need foolproof
traffic generation methods which will ensure this
conversion will happen. Here are three of the most
popular traffic generation methods that are
assured to work.

Article Marketing

When you write informative articles about your
home business and submit them on the article
directories, they will certainly be well-appreciated
by people who are interested in the subject.

You have to search engine optimize the articles
so that the targeted people can get to read them
through the search engines. You don't spend
anything if you write the articles and submit
them yourself. But you have to ensure that the
articles have something to teach the people.

When they get impressed with the matter contained
in the article, they will want to come to your
website for more information. This is how you
get a targeted crowd; the people are already
interested in your business and want to know more.


Blogging can also bring an appreciable amount of
free targeted traffic to your website. Blog sites are
almost always good in search engine optimization
and have high ranking potential already.

If you start a blog about your business opportunity
and employ methods to make it successful, you could
ensure your success in getting targeted people to
the website.

Once again, it is important to make sure that these
blog posts are rich with information and that they
contain subjects that most people would want to
discuss and debate about. Remember that the higher
the number of people that post comments on your
blog is, the better is its visibility on the Internet.

Email Marketing

This method can be put into action once you have
a list of targeted leads that you can get through
your article marketing and blogging campaigns or
through some other method. Send interesting emails
to these people which are again rife with information.

Give them some useful tips or facts that would interest
them enough to click through the link provided. Email
marketing can be effective only if it is kept non-spammy
and really has the readers' best interests in mind.

FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Develop your MLM network business with this
easy-to-implement Marketing Plan:
One Week Marketing Plan

Use Squidoo for FREE targeted traffic for your network
business opportunity:


Do Not Lie About Your Business Opportunity

Honesty is the best policy when it comes
to network marketing.

There are a lot of MLM companies in the world
today that teaches their people to operate in
a manner that does not seem straight forward.
They believe that they would be able to close
more sales and sign up more downlines if they
do not use the ‘M’ or ‘N’ word (The MLM or
network marketing word…)

The problem lies in the fact that people are
completely embarrassed about their network
marketing opportunity!

They are afraid that their friends will reject
them even before they start to share about
their wonderful opportunity!

Some of the sleazy tactics that people employ

A distributor calling their friend out for a drink
without telling them that a ‘friend’ will be coming
but that friend turns out to be the upline or
sponsor of the distributor and they spring their
network marketing opportunity on their
unsuspecting friend.

Doing the same thing as the one above except this
time, they are bringing their upline(s) to the
home of the person without informing about the
presence of these strangers (to the host).

Tricking their friends into attending a business
opportunity meeting without revealing what
the business opportunity is all about. This
is widely used by a particularly large network
marketing company and they teach their reps
never to mention the ‘A’ word.

Inviting friends and family to a home party
which also turns out to be a business opportunity
talk. It is time to stop the insanity.

The more you hide your opportunity, the more
your prospect will disrespect you because you
are acting in a shady and suspicious manner
about your business. It is as though you are
ashamed of what you are doing and you will only
tell them about it when you want to get them
to join you.

If you want to achieve success in network marketing
– don’t hide it… go public about your career.
After all, your career is no different from any
other businessman or doctor, lawyer, engineer,
etc… Here are a few ways to make sure you can
avoid the ‘business opportunity’ pitfall.

When someone asks you what you are doing, tell
them that you are in network marketing. Be up
front, be honest and be PROUD of your business.

You don’t need to be too desperate about
approaching somebody to join you. In fact,
when you take your time to educate and share
about your opportunity, it will ensure that
others will not run away from you.

Lastly, respect people’s opinion about the
network marketing industry. Don’t get into
an argument about it because a person convinced
against his/her will is of the same opinion
still. So take your time and focus on education.


FREE eBook on Network Marketing and MLM:
7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

Use this detailed marketing plan to develop your
network marketing business:
One Week Marketing Plan

Learn how to use Squidoo, to boost your MLM income
and ensure internet marketing success:
